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remove acne with Aloe vera

Once again I want to emphasize, as I have polecat in the early writing about health tips, that the efficacy and side effects from all the tips that I give is not my responsibility. I only want to experience, and if it helps friends who need I have quite satisfied. Do not blame me if the tips and tricks about medicine or health tips are not effective or may even make you more severe disease.

For my mother and I, acne is not foreign. Not only acne, and komedo spots on the face of the scenery is not terlewatkan at my face and my mother. The differences between my mother and my mother is if I can manage with patience and try to eliminate or treat acne on the face, while I prefer the bomb and did not take the headache. This may be because I am a man or a man my mother is a woman.

Health tips to overcome or eliminate acne I give this little note associated with severe acne not that stop you in the cheek. If your acne mememiliki enough and have sensitive skin with acne, I feel that way will I give this is not effective for you. This experience of my mother who only has a little acne.

Aloe vera plants grow in many terrace house, so for us to get is not difficult. This may be a little different to that you do not like the plant to plant in the yard. We live alone. What does my mother to remove acne or komedo? This is what I see.

Take a leaf Aloe Vera and Potonglah into several parts. Then the outer skin slices of some meat to appear white and lendirnya. Oleskan It appears that the only acne. If you are diligent enough to do so every morning or before bed, I wish you could dry up acne and lost in 3 days. At least this occurred on my mother. Because my own are basically lazy with things like this, my acne is still a lot and I let it grow in the cheek and face.

As I promised in comments in this post that I will make a blog which discusses all problematika acne, albeit still in the stage kontruksi, I introduce blog About Jerawat for the care of the matter n Jerawat children and grandson:

Talk acne

Blog is to provide information about the causes and Jerawat Main Jerawat other causes that can come from children, food, etc.. There is also information about the handling of a scientific way Eliminate pimples and acnes, and there is also the explanation about the bacteria Jerawat or Propionibacterium Acnes, which is called as a cause of the emergence of acne to occur in the skin inflammation.

To contribute articles and the like, please send it to my email address in haqiqie at gmail dot com. The useful accelerates, and I will publish to a blog Talk Jerawat. There has been a contributor called NEVIKA ADITYA article, which recommend the use of lemon as a pimple remover. Please visit to view the goods briefly.

Take a leaf Aloe vera
Cut some of the
Skin outer exfoliate
Oleskan appear that the acne
Repeat each morning and afternoon


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