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irritation to eyes red with betel leaves

WARNING! This is the beginning of my writing about traditional medicine and matters concerning health tips or to other diseases. Efficacy and effectiveness of the use of drugs or tips only comes from my experience and knowledge that are revealed in mouth-to mouth. Here I want to emphasize, also writing for my next associated with traditional medicine and other health tips, health tips that through traditional medicine or the other, and later, I do not Base through the typical scientific research laboratory. So I want to emphasize that, the side effects that may occur because of the use of drugs and the other is not a scientific backgrounds. I am not responsible for all the things that happen later if that was what I write about the state and medicines and other tips that this had a negative for you. Please read both good this warning.

Pulitzer father in the home my mother found the plant traditional medicine. If some people might call a gown (Plant Family medicine). There is truth is the name of this gown. Sometimes people also often called the knowledge that comes from a family that are inherited as a "local wisdom". Now, as a human disease that often (Normal is not it?), Sometimes or often even the medicines that I use to overcome the pain I come from plants around the house.

One time I had the name "possessed dust" or something to catch the eye of such objects, so I do not feel comfortable with the situation. Then in my reflek "
hold on
" or rub my eyes with the hands. An act that I sesali because then my eyes became red. And what unlucky, not only my eyes are red but even my eyes swollen eyes and the ball like I want out of the eye socket. I am terrified of my eye witness dicermin. That does not anticipate tears that I have to remove it because the incident.

I complained to the parents. An act that is not fair. If you're sick you should also do things like me. Please ask someone. Not so? My mother after I show my eye condition, with little panic I suggest to pluck some fruit Betel leaves, which are in addition to the main house. Then I told it to and then merendamnya in hot water. All I do own.

Water that has direndami Betel leaves several pieces and then I use it to wash my eyes. How time is the advice the mother is with my eyes to soak bowl or container bersirih the water. Of course, after the water bersirih is no longer really hot. Tepid it. Or cold today, also a father.

You know what happens? Several minutes later my red eyes start to wane bengkaknya. Several times I was the mother to repeat what I do before the steep red eye irritation to the water rendaman betel leaf. And in one day after I perform the traditional treatment, the impressive eye I have not swollen and red again.

Summary of the red eye irritation:

Picking a few pieces of betel leaf
Rendam betel leaves in hot water
Wait until rendaman rather cold or cold
Celupkan your eyes to the rendaman
Repeat until some time


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