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beauty tips on skin face and body

In the last two months, the earth is experiencing changes in temperature, causing climate change become more stabilized, the humidity is increasing. Direct sunlight penetrate our skin. Ultra violet that our skin is absorbed also increased. Regenerating skin will be more active. At this time we should care more to treat our skin, so that the skin condition remains intact, prevent early aging and maintain skin health. How to treat the skin to change the weather? Here are some tips to treat the skin of the face and body:

Tip 1: Clean the skin with soft
breezy wind throws the face, make us feel comfortable, but the dust and dirt cause menyumpat pores our skin, add cell-thick stack of dead skin cells and dirt on our skin. Therefore, skin care is the major clean skin. If the skin is not washed clean, the piles of skin cells die will be thick, appear komedo and acne, this is to disrupt the absorption of vitamins and nutrition for the skin. Therefore, the the cleanliness of the skin is the key.

For hygiene skin face, choose the face cleanser that does not cause skin alergy in the face, do not contain chemicals that are dangerous and in accordance with the type of your skin.

Besides that sweeper also adjust the skin condition with our skin, for example, when we use the make-up thick, cleaning the skin that can be used to clean the remnants make up perfectly. At the moment we do not use the make-up, solvents that can be used more light. At the condition of oily skin and dry skin at the time, use different solvents to the second condition.

Tip 2: Maintain humidity Skin

Beriklim region, including Indonesia, where tropical air temperature average tinggi.Sinar sun, including the relationship can stimulate the oil glands to work more actively, but often have skin dehydration. Therefore, we should choose skin care products that have a high content of the water to keep humidity of the skin, prevent dehydration and to prevent skin aging early.

Tip 3: Use scrubs regularly
Dirt and skin cells clog the dead pores skin, causing skin appear dull and can not breathe relieved and reduce the ability of the skin to absorb nutrition. To avoid this, use scrubs or LULUR regularly. LULUR or scrubs to work as sandpaper, a dirt and cells die with perfect skin, the skin can create & sough relieved able to absorb the optimal nutrition, and stimulate the growth of new skin cells more quickly. Skin will be clean and shining.
Use scrubs or LULUR from natural ingredients that are safe for the skin and do not cause allergy.

Tip 4: Use of Material Cosmetics Assistant
If the skin condition your face or body in unsanitary conditions, such as pustular, or faint visible wrinkling early, then some alternatip cosmetic skin care or treatment can be used to speed healing or recovery of your skin condition.
Please note that the use of cosmetic skin treatment or medication is not recommended for use in a long time to avoid the effects of coercion skin pigmentation. After the recovery, continued treatment can be done with the use of mild soap powder or other patron.

Tip 5: Avoid the sun ray Jump
To maintain skin health sengatan should avoid direct sunlight, use skin care products that contain SPF. Adjust the level of SPF with the needs of your skin. If you beraktifitas in the open air (outdoor) use protective sun with a high SPF level, but if you are in the room, not exposed to sunlight directly, use a sun protector with a low rate of the SPF. The high rate of SPF have oil content of the higher side is the worst clog the skin pores so that hinder the skin to breathe free.
So choose carefully protective sun, the high rate of the SPF is not necessarily appropriate for your skin type.

Tip 6: In the treatment of
To get your skin healthy and beautiful is not only relying on foreign course of treatment but also need to be taken care of in. Skin also need nutrition, food which contains vitamins A, C, and E is very good for the skin, besides adequate rest and exercise will also help the growth of skin and the effect on the skin condition. Not to drink water, because water is a very important factor for maintaining skin moisture, and prevent early aging.


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