Maintain a healthy pregnancy to baby in the womb is not easy. so that the baby in the womb remain healthy. This is beginning to have a healthy child. And this time the pregnancy is determining the growth and development of the small later.
Here are some tips that are highly recommended for pregnant mother in the growth of babies in the womb:
1. Control regularly to the doctor to check the pregnancy. Month-pregnancy last month, the control must be done more often. If you have a complaint or have any concerns to your natural pregnancy, check to the doctor, although this is not the time you have to control it.
2. Avoid materials or harmful chemical that the cause of poisoning, such as insecticides, paint, materials that contain mercury (mercury) or plumbum.
3. Stop smoking if you smoke or not become a passive smoker, because you often inhale cigarette smoke from the surrounding people, for example, from your husband. Cigarette smoke will make the small born with weight less, the small death in the womb or
I easily fall sick or slow to learn something in the future, can also cause you to miscarry.
4. Drink more, especially water. The incoming liquids useful to help increase the volume of blood that occurs during pregnancy. Drink at least 6 - 8 glasses a day, can be a fruit juice, milk, water or regular white. An easy way to see the adequacy
fluid in the body is to see the water color art. When the urine, such as clear water only a few white or yellow, it indicates that you consume enough liquids.
5. Consumption of nutritious food, to meet the adequacy of nutrition for mothers and small in the womb. Food must meet the 5 major food groups: rice or other source of carbohydrate, protein and other meat, vegetables, fruit and milk. Reduce fatty foods and food perbanyak filamentous
6. Consumption of vitamin acid Folat 400 mikrogram snowfall, before the pregnancy until the first few months in pregnancy. This is useful to prevent neural tube defects and vertebrae in the small. Folat acid is also important obtained from foods that contain acid such as Folat on cereals, rice, red, orange, green vegetables, beans, broccoli, and others.
7. Consumption of blood is also a tablet addition, the pills contain substances that as many as 30 milligram of iron per day during pregnancy, or as recommended by doctors. Iron substances is useful to prevent anemia during pregnancy, which can cause
to prevent the occurrence of the risk of bleeding during childbirth.
Actually all the women of fertile age, should consume foods that contain more iron.
8. Wash your hands often, especially after handling raw meat when cooking or after using the bathroom. Because the hand-washing will prevent the spread of germs and viruses that can menyebakan disease.
9. Identify the situation themselves. If any signs or symptoms that usually do not like pain, bleeding vagina, water merembesnya fetal membrane, dizziness, fainting, become short of breath, trembling, a rapid pulse, nausea and vomiting continued, swelling in the joints, does not feel the movement of the fetus, and the symptoms or signs the other, konsultasikanlah with your doctor.
10. Be careful in the use of medicines including traditional medicines. Including alcohol and caffeine. The caffeine in tea, coffee, soft drinks and chocolate should also be limited.
11. Medicines are often drunk before pregnancy, misalnyaobat of medicines for hypertension, epilepsy, asthma or diabetes, need to be consulted again with your doctor. What is the need to be changes or adjustments to your pregnancy? Are drugs
is safe to use in pregnancy?
12. Drugs are sold freely as to overcome the flu and cough, may be dangerous to the fetus in the womb. Therefore, konsultasikanlah first with a doctor before drinks.
13. Do not hesitate or fear to ask the doctor. Because this concerns the health of mothers and the fetus itself. We better be careful and ask kekhawatirkan that we all feel.
14. Joining in the class for pregnant women such as classroom exercises pregnant.
In addition to taking advantage of the class, candidates can also share the mother's experience and increase knowledge with other fellow prospective mothers.
15. Stay activity because it will be good for the mother and the baby candidates. Sports are usually safe for pregnant women such as running, exercise, stationary cycling. But remember to always consult with doctors before the start.
16. Eat in small portions, but often, about 5 - 6 times per day. This is far better than eating in 3 large portion of a day. Pattern of eating with a small portion of the more frequently, can
reduce nausea, vomiting in the morning and stomach pain.
Avoid foods that can make stomach pain, even though you like it. Replace with a more nutritious food.
17. Avoid bathing or berendam with hot water while pregnant. Because of the high heat can be dangerous pregnancy.
18. Plan and create a safe home environment for a little later. This is to prevent the dangers that are not desired.
19. Avoid meat that has not been cooked or not cooked, wash hands after handling pets or gardening. This is to prevent the contract toksoplasma parasite that causes the disease toksoplasmosis, which can be dangerous to the fetus
in the womb.
20. Because of the size of the uterus is large, with less efisiennya kidney function due to pregnancy, the mother can cause more frequent urination. Can also occur when the urine out of sneezing, coughing or laughing. This is because there is pressure womb
in the bladder, which often occur during the month of first pregnancy. If the urine accompanied by heat, pain and more often, periksakanlah to the doctor.
21. Excess weight or less during pregnancy can cause problems for the small, which is still in the womb.
Do not do diet during pregnancy to reduce the excess weight before consultation with the doctor.
22. Conducting vaccination for pregnancy. Ask the doctor about this, when vaccination should be given.
23. Avoid with X-ray inspection (X-ray). Tell your doctor if you are pregnant when the doctor asks you to do the inspection.
24. Provide a healthy environment for the small in the womb. And when I was born and grew increasingly large, but gave him the guidance and affection. Health and safety in the environment, must always be taken.
25. Rest enough. At rest should lie to the side, especially to the left side when appropriate medical advice.
This position will provide the best blood circulation to the janindan can reduce leg swelling in the legs.
Here are some tips that are highly recommended for pregnant mother in the growth of babies in the womb:
1. Control regularly to the doctor to check the pregnancy. Month-pregnancy last month, the control must be done more often. If you have a complaint or have any concerns to your natural pregnancy, check to the doctor, although this is not the time you have to control it.
2. Avoid materials or harmful chemical that the cause of poisoning, such as insecticides, paint, materials that contain mercury (mercury) or plumbum.
3. Stop smoking if you smoke or not become a passive smoker, because you often inhale cigarette smoke from the surrounding people, for example, from your husband. Cigarette smoke will make the small born with weight less, the small death in the womb or
I easily fall sick or slow to learn something in the future, can also cause you to miscarry.
4. Drink more, especially water. The incoming liquids useful to help increase the volume of blood that occurs during pregnancy. Drink at least 6 - 8 glasses a day, can be a fruit juice, milk, water or regular white. An easy way to see the adequacy
fluid in the body is to see the water color art. When the urine, such as clear water only a few white or yellow, it indicates that you consume enough liquids.
5. Consumption of nutritious food, to meet the adequacy of nutrition for mothers and small in the womb. Food must meet the 5 major food groups: rice or other source of carbohydrate, protein and other meat, vegetables, fruit and milk. Reduce fatty foods and food perbanyak filamentous
6. Consumption of vitamin acid Folat 400 mikrogram snowfall, before the pregnancy until the first few months in pregnancy. This is useful to prevent neural tube defects and vertebrae in the small. Folat acid is also important obtained from foods that contain acid such as Folat on cereals, rice, red, orange, green vegetables, beans, broccoli, and others.
7. Consumption of blood is also a tablet addition, the pills contain substances that as many as 30 milligram of iron per day during pregnancy, or as recommended by doctors. Iron substances is useful to prevent anemia during pregnancy, which can cause
to prevent the occurrence of the risk of bleeding during childbirth.
Actually all the women of fertile age, should consume foods that contain more iron.
8. Wash your hands often, especially after handling raw meat when cooking or after using the bathroom. Because the hand-washing will prevent the spread of germs and viruses that can menyebakan disease.
9. Identify the situation themselves. If any signs or symptoms that usually do not like pain, bleeding vagina, water merembesnya fetal membrane, dizziness, fainting, become short of breath, trembling, a rapid pulse, nausea and vomiting continued, swelling in the joints, does not feel the movement of the fetus, and the symptoms or signs the other, konsultasikanlah with your doctor.
10. Be careful in the use of medicines including traditional medicines. Including alcohol and caffeine. The caffeine in tea, coffee, soft drinks and chocolate should also be limited.
11. Medicines are often drunk before pregnancy, misalnyaobat of medicines for hypertension, epilepsy, asthma or diabetes, need to be consulted again with your doctor. What is the need to be changes or adjustments to your pregnancy? Are drugs
is safe to use in pregnancy?
12. Drugs are sold freely as to overcome the flu and cough, may be dangerous to the fetus in the womb. Therefore, konsultasikanlah first with a doctor before drinks.
13. Do not hesitate or fear to ask the doctor. Because this concerns the health of mothers and the fetus itself. We better be careful and ask kekhawatirkan that we all feel.
14. Joining in the class for pregnant women such as classroom exercises pregnant.
In addition to taking advantage of the class, candidates can also share the mother's experience and increase knowledge with other fellow prospective mothers.
15. Stay activity because it will be good for the mother and the baby candidates. Sports are usually safe for pregnant women such as running, exercise, stationary cycling. But remember to always consult with doctors before the start.
16. Eat in small portions, but often, about 5 - 6 times per day. This is far better than eating in 3 large portion of a day. Pattern of eating with a small portion of the more frequently, can
reduce nausea, vomiting in the morning and stomach pain.
Avoid foods that can make stomach pain, even though you like it. Replace with a more nutritious food.
17. Avoid bathing or berendam with hot water while pregnant. Because of the high heat can be dangerous pregnancy.
18. Plan and create a safe home environment for a little later. This is to prevent the dangers that are not desired.
19. Avoid meat that has not been cooked or not cooked, wash hands after handling pets or gardening. This is to prevent the contract toksoplasma parasite that causes the disease toksoplasmosis, which can be dangerous to the fetus
in the womb.
20. Because of the size of the uterus is large, with less efisiennya kidney function due to pregnancy, the mother can cause more frequent urination. Can also occur when the urine out of sneezing, coughing or laughing. This is because there is pressure womb
in the bladder, which often occur during the month of first pregnancy. If the urine accompanied by heat, pain and more often, periksakanlah to the doctor.
21. Excess weight or less during pregnancy can cause problems for the small, which is still in the womb.
Do not do diet during pregnancy to reduce the excess weight before consultation with the doctor.
22. Conducting vaccination for pregnancy. Ask the doctor about this, when vaccination should be given.
23. Avoid with X-ray inspection (X-ray). Tell your doctor if you are pregnant when the doctor asks you to do the inspection.
24. Provide a healthy environment for the small in the womb. And when I was born and grew increasingly large, but gave him the guidance and affection. Health and safety in the environment, must always be taken.
25. Rest enough. At rest should lie to the side, especially to the left side when appropriate medical advice.
This position will provide the best blood circulation to the janindan can reduce leg swelling in the legs.