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milk and skin beauty

You certainly know that milk good for the health of body and bone formation. Shush, besides seger drink, milk is also beneficial for dry skin beauty.

Queen of Egypt, Cleopatra beauty that is a very famous one of the secret recipe to keep the skin delicacy, milk. This recipe is still reportedly Saved in the hieroglyph, writing bangasa Ancient Egypt. Meanwhile, in the modern world of beauty benefits of milk is known to maintain the beauty and delicacy skin.

So though the more I question the benefits of milk for beauty, just recipes ini.Masker milk. You can wear a mask with the basic materials beer, wine, yoghurt or milk as a mask. Reputedly powerful goad to early aging and banish stain on the face.
How easy: Mix 2 tsp of vitamin E to a container (you can get from the capsule containing vitamin E), add 2 tsp beer, wine, yoghurt, half a teaspoon of honey and lemon juice, mixed flat. Usapkan to the entire face and let seep for 15 minutes. Washing your face with warm water to really clean.

Pori damp. If you have problems with a large pore, open, and you want to skin shines, it is the key sour cream (sour milk). Dairy products is very powerful avert large pore complaint.
By the way, take adequate sour cream, basuhkan to the face and neck. Wait for 15 minutes and wash clean. Feel the difference. Skin appears more shine, right?

Milk Limited effective to reduce skin irritation, lighten red spots, reduce allergic reactions in the skin and help heal wounds. If the affected skin irritation or sensitive skin, basuhkan only sweet or sour milk, cream or both buttermik, let alone dry.

Preparing milk bath by adding a cup of instant milk powder into water bath, is believed to provide nutrition and refine the skin. Cleopatra reportedly not forget to add fresh camel milk for the ritual mandinya.

Create the desire peel Tuesday Skin Dead, so do the scrubbing skin, the more shining.
How: Larutkan little salt in boiling water then add four cups of instant milk without the fat into it. Berendam during the next 20 minutes to the water tepid, scrubing do with the loofah


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