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slim tips and remain healthy

Where was that women's desire to appear beautiful, slim body with a mixed together ...??? The problem is, not all people have the slim body forever ... Moreover, when the woman is married, pregnant and have children. Fat scattered throughout the corners of the body. And, either because of the hopelessness or dicekoki with the same thing, then it is considered normal. Yeah, this behavior is ... Helper ... ... The casserole : p ~

I do not have the body beautiful, since pregnant and giving birth. But, I relate this to possibly perfeksionis, excess fat is of course the appearance. Sorts, to stress ANGEL blues because I had experienced a change of this body. So what should I do ...??? To pay the fee perampingan body beauty shop leading, I clearly can not afford the cost of the millions that ... I have not yet committed to providing ASIX to my second child, which makes it difficult for my "cleanup" diet ... Be my brain must play ...

Search-looking reference and input from many doctors and nutrition experts to artikel2 on the internet I Lakoni until I reached a conclusion. The core of all the diet is the formula. If you do not discipline or have not been able to do so, I do not dispose of energy, especially money berjuta2 to streamline the body. Oh yes, sorry, I did not mention the management of the body because I'm skinny so desire. I only want more and proportionately slender.

Here are some simple tips to reduce fat and get ditubuh slim body.

1. discipline
3. Set PATTERN questions
4. Im caring CRUST

Ad.1. discipline

discipline itself, is very difficult. Moreover, if not familiar. However, if you are interested rea llyto streamline the body, starting with the intention to reinforce. Set goals and why you want to do this. Then, do not hesitate to start, especially fear. Sometimes women are worried it will be a friend / family / spouse if you are a diet. Komunikasikan well. If necessary, ask your nearest support orang2 to help mendisiplinkan themselves.


Never lazy to prepare the body! That I recommend highly. Why? Because the sport, besides can help to burn fat in the body, also help speed the body. So that when fat is reduced, the body is still not fast and loose loyo. Berolahragalah 3 - 5 times a week during the (maximum) 1 hour each practice.

Many women who want to reduce body weight but lazy exercise. Ughhh ... only honest, I am most resentful I have a case. I lazy, it's like nanya2. Hehehehhe ... so ibu2 sorry ... But, if you want to stay slim and healthy not only can be lazy and expect something that instant. All need to sacrifice something, friend!

Maybe I can share some of the benefits of exercise:

* Lowers the risk of heart pennyakit, hypertension, diabetes, and others.
* Improving the quality of life, especially when we enter the age of information.
* Ease the stress, depression and anger.
* Ease back pain, sore heel and foot, which is often caused by excess weight.
* Improving self-confidence.
* Improving the sexual passion (especially for women who experience problems with this post-birth).

Ad.3. Set PATTERN questions

This thoughtful people so often that most of the scourge of women. Moreover, it's the same as the preferred food. Currently, I stress is thrown. Exactly what is out there dilahap it.

A good diet is eating regularly and not excessive. Usually for breakfast, lunch and dinner at the same hour every day. The word 7am breakfast, lunch hours of 12 and the dinner hour 5 pm. Do not violate! If you are in certain situations, eg: to come to a dinner that is usually held after hours of 8 pm, to avoid consuming food or carbohydrates for the other to produce fat and carbohydrates in our body. Perbanyak eat vegetables or fruits.

In addition, the gap between the time eating, you should still mengemil something healthy and good. This is to help you avoid consuming all the time the overuse when they arrived.

Ad.4. Im caring CRUST

This is also often forgotten when women undergo the diet. Remember that skin will be very affected by changes in body shape. Not a few of us will experience a skin pallid, strecth mark, etc. when the body changes shape. Therefore, do not forget to treat the skin when a diet. Oleskan enough olive oil in the fold around the body or tempat2 that there are lots of fat 1 - 2 times a day.

Apart from the tips above all, always remember that there is no instant that the earth is. So, keep the spirit and fight. Do not easy with the necessary range of products that promise kemudahan2. I do not want you to become victims.


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