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How to Stay Healthy Body Helps With Healthy Living Pattern

In a day-to-day lives we should always put the health of body and soul because we favor the healthy and there are also saying that someone does not respect the will of their own health at the time he was healthy. Once the importance of health, so there are people willing to pay billions of rupiah for health himself when he was in pain.

Tip The following are examples of activities that we can stretch our careful in the world. Activities or activities into the implementation of healthy lifestyles, namely:

1. Avoid / Stop the stupid habit that's disgusting

Activities that for some stupid people presumed / activities that are considered to be cool, and Macho Stop is like smoking, drinking, using drugs / drug / additif other substances that cause addicted.

Just imagine if one is exposed to the activities above, the stupid person can be a lot of money to buy goods opium, the cost for treatment in the future, throwing a lot of time to buy and consume goods is illegal.

Using the ghoulish goods of course add our sins doubled because of the impact / effect not only that we feel, but also others such as parents, friends, family, girlfriend, and others.

] 2. Do not Free Sex On the Foreign Marriage

Sex It is good for people. However, how respectful and terpujinya relationship when sex is done with full responsibility and with the blessing of prayer from many people. Most ngeseks indeed disepelekan for couples who have been accustomed to do so or for people who inflammable without a strong faith.

Due to the impact of free association to make the sex pranikah such as:
a. pregnant outside marriage and the men run away from responsibility.
b. exposed to infectious diseases such as AIDS, that there is no medicine.
c. sin to God
d. excommunicated from the crowd and the community
e. digrebek police / satpol pp / hansip
f. boyfriend killed himself, raped, etc..
G. Broadband will be addictive and dangerous to the stage.
h. from the initial number of foolish 1 above.
i. difficult to get a mate like a serious marriage.
j. lie on the parents, family, relatives, friends, etc..
k. and many more due to the poor.

Goals from sex to get the climax / Broadband didewakan by many people who lost and they will search for other victims and are invited to the black in the valley. If berhbungan with the type of opponent and fellow union without the type of wedding should not see the easy way to do smth only if ngesex, but see the negative side is that many. You will be loathe to do so.

3. Eat Healthy Food And Relevant Rules

Good food is not necessarily healthy. Many food and drink is a dangerous and unhealthy if consumed. For example, such as the use of borax and formalin as a preservative food and beverages should digonakan to preserve corpses / corpse / cadaver.

I do not suppose vain. Buy food and drink in a place that can be guaranteed cleanliness / higienitas the food and drinks. Be careful and always alert terhada anything that we will enter into the mouth, because we can only drink or food that we buy and ready disantap has been mixed with toxic substances such as Arsenic is a dangerous, sleeping drugs, poisons seangga, rat poison, pengewet not for the food and beverage, and others. See also the cleanliness of the place and the processing of raw materials and selection of food / beverages.

Do not easily tempted by ads on TV, radio, newspapers, magazines, sales, and others. Sometimes even the producers lie to get their huge profits and actors working with the government to close the mouth.

Eating foods and beverages, that the body is adapted to the conditions, activities and our age. Eat before the hungry and stop eating before satiety is a good habit. Do not ever forget the four healthy five perfect that often we hear from the first mare. Eat Feed with a balanced nutrition because what we eat will represent us in the future.

4. Cleanliness maintain themselves and the Environment Around We

Cleanliness itself need to be taken and kept well as the relevant / related to the appearance in our community. kerapihan hygiene and body such as hair, nail, face, eyes, ears, skin, mouth, teeth, hands, feet, etc. can give effects on the body's overall health. Avoid exchange equipment bath, toilet, health, personal clothing with other people because they may transmit the disease, which can be dangerous.

Just imagine if there are sick people can cause acute dental he did not spend the day because of the pain that is not intolerable. People who have style and appearance that will traipse from the crowd promising day-to-day and will be difficult to get a friend, girlfriend, mate, job, and trust others.

Maintain cleanliness of the environment from waste and environmental disruption of disease because the environment can affect the body's health. Garbage pile up and become capable of removing the odor that is not tasty / good, the dirty / dirty, the sound of flies floating, voice swearing-cuss people that are around, and others.

Trash can also become a carrier of disease, such as breeding mice Endemic Leptospirosis is spread through rat urine and Tipes / typhus. Mosquito can also spread the seeds plasmodium, which can berkibat melaria and dengue fever in someone. flies that picked bacteria and viruses that cause digestive diseases such as beri-beri, diarrhea, diarrhea, and so forth.

Such as pollution, garbage and toilet waste household, industrial waste, noise pollution, pollution and other needs to be resolved with the sprightly and well coordinated among members of the community in an environment that produces results lingungan clean and comfortable good

5. And the sport of Health examined the doctor regularly

Exercise regularly can boost the heart, respiratory and blood circulation becomes better. Get used exercise every day with a light activity such as walking, acrobatics, fitness, joging, cycling, or doing sports such as full play badminton, football, fled marathon, tennis, basketball, and others.

In addition to sports there are no less importance to the sport, namely the periodic health check regularly to the doctor. To check the health terprogram is that the disease or aberration that arise can be detected more quickly so that treatment will not eat a lot of cost, time and energy.

6. Avoid the stress of fun and healthy way Halal

To avoid the stress strategies are needed for each individual. Find the best way to eliminate the stress in your own way with the easy, it can be done everywhere, rousing cheap, healthy, lawful, and done well. Examples of activities such as the removal stress is to listen to music that is heard by a private good and ngilangin burden mind that there is, playing video games, play music for music, sports, I chatted's intimate friend, side, non-gambling card standards, court healthy, eat, do relationship of husband-wife / intimate partner with a legitimate, hangouts in the toilets, roads to the malls, tennis, playing small toys, gardening, MANCING, screaming in the quiet, sleeping / sleep, and others.

Basically in your life is nyantai up with all the problems that exist. Make it difficult (stress), the hard-nothing. Emap you not to be evil and to control yourself, that is not going emotionally restrained and sometimes become vindictive, resentful, and others who look foolish for other people. There are issues / problems that can cause depression, you cuek I, the house was only work once again.

Enough sleep, dekatkan themselves with God and religious belief according to their respective origin is not evil, and implement healthy lifestyles can prevent stress and depression, which is when the serious and chronic disruption can be life-threatening disease and life that make you taste Film and shame on the people. Consult with a psychologist if you have a problem kejiwaan or other people that if you believe you embarrassed. Open your heart to accept criticism, suggestions and input from other people and change your lifestyle if necessary for the health soul / mind you.


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