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Showing posts from November, 2008

Black Tea Consumption Lower Risk Heart Pain

IN JAPANESE trends are drinking cold water when the stomach is empty to prevent various diseases. It is believed water can cure various diseases, such as headaches, body pain, arthritis, asthma, and heart rate rapid. If you want to follow their way, drink water so polish up the morning before the teeth of the four glasses. If not able, gradually began two glass first. New bath and brush your teeth. Do not eat anything during the next 45 minutes. Water is the stuff of white oil and slow digestion. The tea Apel Preferred Malaysia DURING this we only know the type of tea from tea leaves. Actually, there are other types of tea such as apple tea made from apple fruit. Tea original taste of apples from Malang, the Great Arianto sold in the AL Batuaji Plaza. "This has been two years in Batam, but only in the area Batuaji only. Difficult to find because they need large cost, "said Agung Arianto Apple tea has been known residents of Batam. It was during this product is only sold Agung...

White Water therapy

God has given us a lot of water and free. Without the money for drugs, pills, injections, diagnosis, the wages of doctors, etc.. Only drinking water, and disease bottom of this can be cured. You will not believe do so before. Below the list of diseases that can be cured by this therapy: God has given us a lot of water and free. Without the money for drugs, pills, injections, diagnosis, the wages of doctors, etc.. Only drinking water, and disease bottom of this can be cured. You will not believe do so before. Below the list of diseases that can be cured by this therapy: 1. Headaches 2. Asthma 3. Hosthortobics 4. High Blood 5. Bronchitis 6. Kencingmanis 7. Less Blood 8. TB 9. Lungs 10. Eye Diseases 11. Rematch 12. Brain Inflammation 13. Paralyzed 14. Kidney stones 15. Menstrual Disorders 16. Obesity 17. Urinary disease 18. Leukimia 19. Inflammation / Pain joint 20. Excess acid nerves 21. Peranakan cancer 22. Infla...

10 Tips To Healthy Eating

Experts agree the key to healthy eating is the time-tested advice of balance, variety and moderation. In short, that means eating a wide variety of foods without getting too many calories or too much of any one nutrient. These 10 tips can help you follow that advice while still enjoying the foods you eat. Eat a variety of nutrient-rich foods. You need more than 40 different nutrients for good health, and no single food supplies them all. Your daily food selection should include bread and other whole-grain products; fruits; vegetables; dairy products; and meat, poultry, fish and other protein foods. How much you should eat depends on your calorie needs. Use the Food Guide Pyramid and the Nutrition Facts panel on food labels as handy references. Enjoy plenty of whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Surveys show most Americans don't eat enough of these foods. Do you eat 6-11 servings from the bread, rice, cereal and pasta group, 3 of which should be whole grains? Do you eat 2-4 serv...

10 Tips for Maintaining Health in the Office

Routine office that is sometimes we forget to maintain health. Maybe most of us never realize how not sehatnya pattern of life when we are in the office. Just imagine, eight hours of sitting in chairs in front of the computer, for five days a week, certainly carry risk for your health. Due to sit for hours this eye to bear dagger stiff neck muscles, plus accumulate fat in the abdomen due snack offered by a friend working every day. Now we give the following 10 tips for maintaining health in the workplace. 1. Snack provided by a friend working in your thoughts can add thousands of calories. If not careful it will be harmful to your diet, and weight. So if I know you have a candy or chocolate in the thoughts, kelilingilah table of your friends to keep this away from the temptations, such suggestions dentist at the American Dietetic Association. Istirahatlah moment, take a long breath, and remove the desire to eat sweet foods. If you're hungry, better take stock of fruit from home. 2....

3 Simple Tips for Maintaining Health Body

It is not long post on health tips. The following tips to improve the health of the body (this time the weight is not a problem anymore loh): 1. Change the style of eating. Sometimes berdiet is a wrong decision. Because no less successful when the running back fat diet and because of "vengeance" against food:) Alternatively you can do is change the style of eating. Habits that need to run the other is to change habits menyemil with fruit fresh. So, always available fresh fruit, which when ready disantap desire menyemil appear. If enough fruits caused always be replaced with the availability of fresh water. 2. Change lifestyles. In addition to change the style of eating, we also need to change lifestyles to be more healthy. Simple tips that are easy to make the most interesting in the breath-in. This activity can be done is a day in there and the opportunity. Find physical activities and fun as playing badminton or other sports. However, the most important ac...

Step 5 Establish body beauty

The gravity of the pitiless universe! Pebeo This sounds right to describe the gravity RADIO in several parts of the female body. Along with increasing age, gravity often makes the body beautiful womanhood, such as breast and buttocks so diminished and lax. However, the situation is not the disaster that can not be resolved, and Origin of the willing, grafitasi no longer be a problem for the elegant women of this body. Here's our five tips to establish and maintain the body beautiful: First - Forget expensive exercise with the equipment, you need only this time the floor area and strength. Make movement and stand with feet forward in the future in the position ditekuk. This is the best way to the back of your form. Rapatkan both feet and berjongkoklah slowly as you are sitting in the chair that is not visible. Lowered slowly until your legs can not move again. Repeat this movement 10 to 20 times. To keep the movement last possible during the squat position. To Form a training body...

irritation to eyes red with betel leaves

WARNING! This is the beginning of my writing about traditional medicine and matters concerning health tips or to other diseases. Efficacy and effectiveness of the use of drugs or tips only comes from my experience and knowledge that are revealed in mouth-to mouth. Here I want to emphasize, also writing for my next associated with traditional medicine and other health tips, health tips that through traditional medicine or the other, and later, I do not Base through the typical scientific research laboratory. So I want to emphasize that, the side effects that may occur because of the use of drugs and the other is not a scientific backgrounds. I am not responsible for all the things that happen later if that was what I write about the state and medicines and other tips that this had a negative for you. Please read both good this warning. Pulitzer father in the home my mother found the plant traditional medicine. If some people might call a gown (Plant Family medicine). There is truth is t...

remove acne with Aloe vera

Once again I want to emphasize, as I have polecat in the early writing about health tips, that the efficacy and side effects from all the tips that I give is not my responsibility. I only want to experience, and if it helps friends who need I have quite satisfied. Do not blame me if the tips and tricks about medicine or health tips are not effective or may even make you more severe disease. For my mother and I, acne is not foreign. Not only acne, and komedo spots on the face of the scenery is not terlewatkan at my face and my mother. The differences between my mother and my mother is if I can manage with patience and try to eliminate or treat acne on the face, while I prefer the bomb and did not take the headache. This may be because I am a man or a man my mother is a woman. Health tips to overcome or eliminate acne I give this little note associated with severe acne not that stop you in the cheek. If your acne mememiliki enough and have sensitive skin with acne, I feel that way will I...

milk and skin beauty

You certainly know that milk good for the health of body and bone formation. Shush, besides seger drink, milk is also beneficial for dry skin beauty. Queen of Egypt, Cleopatra beauty that is a very famous one of the secret recipe to keep the skin delicacy, milk. This recipe is still reportedly Saved in the hieroglyph, writing bangasa Ancient Egypt. Meanwhile, in the modern world of beauty benefits of milk is known to maintain the beauty and delicacy skin. So though the more I question the benefits of milk for beauty, just recipes ini.Masker milk. You can wear a mask with the basic materials beer, wine, yoghurt or milk as a mask. Reputedly powerful goad to early aging and banish stain on the face. How easy: Mix 2 tsp of vitamin E to a container (you can get from the capsule containing vitamin E), add 2 tsp beer, wine, yoghurt, half a teaspoon of honey and lemon juice, mixed flat. Usapkan to the entire face and let seep for 15 minutes. Washing your face with warm water to really clean. P...

tips to overcome stress in pregnancy

Tips to overcome the stress in pregnancy. Remember that stress during pregnancy affects only bad for you and your baby, you can try some tips to overcome this stress in pregnancy --- In life we can not prevent something bad events occurred (for example: death, loss of something, work stress, family problems, etc.), and we also can not change it's emotional. But you can try some tips to overcome this stress. Remember, most importantly, try to protect you and your baby from the bad influence as a result of this stress. Some Tips For Stress Institute: • Try Searching causes. Try to find out whether the cause of the stress you - your personal relationships or dealing with your work, or the other, and seek an effective way to be overcome and said. • The Good Food Diet. . When our healthy and fit, we will be able to overcome the stress with a better way. For that you must keep the food healthy diet, adequate rest, and do sports regularly, which will help you to keep fit. • Sports. . Rese...

tips on healty pregnancy period

Maintain a healthy pregnancy to baby in the womb is not easy. so that the baby in the womb remain healthy. This is beginning to have a healthy child. And this time the pregnancy is determining the growth and development of the small later. Here are some tips that are highly recommended for pregnant mother in the growth of babies in the womb: 1. Control regularly to the doctor to check the pregnancy. Month-pregnancy last month, the control must be done more often. If you have a complaint or have any concerns to your natural pregnancy, check to the doctor, although this is not the time you have to control it. 2. Avoid materials or harmful chemical that the cause of poisoning, such as insecticides, paint, materials that contain mercury (mercury) or plumbum. 3. Stop smoking if you smoke or not become a passive smoker, because you often inhale cigarette smoke from the surrounding people, for example, from your husband. Cigarette smoke will make the small born with weight less, the small dea...

slim tips and remain healthy

Where was that women's desire to appear beautiful, slim body with a mixed together ...??? The problem is, not all people have the slim body forever ... Moreover, when the woman is married, pregnant and have children. Fat scattered throughout the corners of the body. And, either because of the hopelessness or dicekoki with the same thing, then it is considered normal. Yeah, this behavior is ... Helper ... ... The casserole : p ~ I do not have the body beautiful, since pregnant and giving birth. But, I relate this to possibly perfeksionis, excess fat is of course the appearance. Sorts, to stress ANGEL blues because I had experienced a change of this body. So what should I do ...??? To pay the fee perampingan body beauty shop leading, I clearly can not afford the cost of the millions that ... I have not yet committed to providing ASIX to my second child, which makes it difficult for my "cleanup" diet ... Be my brain must play ... Search-looking reference and input from many ...

beauty tips on skin face and body

In the last two months, the earth is experiencing changes in temperature, causing climate change become more stabilized, the humidity is increasing. Direct sunlight penetrate our skin. Ultra violet that our skin is absorbed also increased. Regenerating skin will be more active. At this time we should care more to treat our skin, so that the skin condition remains intact, prevent early aging and maintain skin health. How to treat the skin to change the weather? Here are some tips to treat the skin of the face and body: Tip 1: Clean the skin with soft breezy wind throws the face, make us feel comfortable, but the dust and dirt cause menyumpat pores our skin, add cell-thick stack of dead skin cells and dirt on our skin. Therefore, skin care is the major clean skin. If the skin is not washed clean, the piles of skin cells die will be thick, appear komedo and acne, this is to disrupt the absorption of vitamins and nutrition for the skin. Therefore, the the cleanliness of the skin is the key...

How to Stay Healthy Body Helps With Healthy Living Pattern

In a day-to-day lives we should always put the health of body and soul because we favor the healthy and there are also saying that someone does not respect the will of their own health at the time he was healthy. Once the importance of health, so there are people willing to pay billions of rupiah for health himself when he was in pain. Tip The following are examples of activities that we can stretch our careful in the world. Activities or activities into the implementation of healthy lifestyles, namely: 1. Avoid / Stop the stupid habit that's disgusting Activities that for some stupid people presumed / activities that are considered to be cool, and Macho Stop is like smoking, drinking, using drugs / drug / additif other substances that cause addicted. Just imagine if one is exposed to the activities above, the stupid person can be a lot of money to buy goods opium, the cost for treatment in the future, throwing a lot of time to buy and consume goods is illegal. Using the ghoulish g...

how to form a classic article six pack

SIXPACK usually there are two kinds of people desire the stomach muscle strain, one would like to establish stomach just so visible that both want to sixpack stomach flat but has only abdominal muscles strong. people have a sixpack not necessarily have a strong stomach muscles, so may be hard to say but not strong. Sit up is the best way to establish the stomach without equipment but also an important stage because not every situp strong do as much as 20 directly, especially multiplied several times, beginners should do peregangan first place when the new Sit-up begins with Hobbes, for example 5 times and after three days new 8 or 10 times. remember to never impose your muscles, muscle injury or when it will be torn as to time. most beginners I do Sit-up portion of the excess should even get the stomach muscles loose and even seen as bloated and will be difficult to get a sixpack dambaannya. 2 kinds of Sit-up: 1. Sit up warming: namely Sit up impromptu napas rules, and only quick work ...